Please note:
By young adult I mean anyone over the age of 15, old enough to read Emily Dickinson as well as P.G. Wodehouse and appreciate the beauty of both (in theory).
Scenario one:
A young adult
gets ticked off in class. After class she logs on to Facebook and decries the “injustice”
she has faced. Immediately gets a 100 likes and her hurt feelings are assuaged.
One would like to point out that that’s 100 out of 6 billion, but one is too
stunned by the parents (and their friends) applauding her rant. How about a chat on ‘learning
from criticism’. Or for that matter the perils of writing out loud in anger that leads to
loss of perspective. And grammar in today's world.
Scenario two:
A young adult
writes a term paper and will go on to write countless more in the (at the least) 6
years she’ll spend in college. But the parents share it far and wide– a term
paper on dialectic materialism or some such is suddenly deemed worthy of a
Pulitzer. (Good luck dealing with rejection that is the one constant fact in
every writer’s life, dear young woman.) I recall my college days. My parents would have said a
simple well done and then directed me towards Stephen Jay
Gould or Ursula K. Le Guin's The Left Hand of
Darkness to widen my perspective. In short, encouraged me to read more and write better. That is if I had been silly enough to
consider a term paper as something they deserved to suffer through too.
What I mean
to point out is that there is a difference between encouragement and unfettered
praise which is merely setting up someone for gigantic failure and heartbreak.
A little jab of honesty is always better than a lifelong burden that is a lie. What we are witnessing is a
parenting fail perhaps. It seems parents are involved in ever minor,
meaningless aspect of their child's 'education' but shield the child from the
harsher lessons of life.
So we end up projecting mixed
messages. On one hand we say, “You are a genius”. Then
the young adult comes face to face with differential calculus:

And we
promptly produce the meme about how a fish can’t ride a bicycle and so on to
prove everyone is different. However, no one tells the young adult that intelligence is neither inborn, nor an entitlement but something learned. It
involves lots of hard work. And sometimes, no matter how hard we try it still
eludes us. Just like life.
For parents in the above mentioned scenarios, here’s
J.K. Rowling beautiful commencement speech on the ‘The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination’.